How to Have a Successful Board Room Meeting

The board room is where your company’s most important decisions are made. If they lead to the development of a new strategy or help you avoid the pitfalls of a costly tactical error, effective board meetings are a critical part of your organization’s success. Boardroom etiquette, a solid understanding of the rules of parliament and the ability to stimulate productive discussion are key.

A well-planned agenda for meetings is the foundation of an effective board. It defines the purpose of the meeting and outlines the key issues to be discussed and directs the flow of the discussion. It also allows the board to address all the necessary items within the scheduled time and contributes significantly to the overall governance of a company.

To begin the meeting, the presiding officer calls the meeting to order at the specified time, and proceeds to call roll to ensure that the quorum of board members is present. The agenda and previous minutes will be approved once all attendees have been counted. Then, the board examines any unresolved old business and then discusses any other issues that have been added to the agenda for this particular meeting. Once these issues have been addressed, the board is able to close the meeting.

In order to maintain an efficient boardroom, it is best to limit the amount of time spent on reports and “have-to” items. This allows the board more time to discuss the most important issues and the direction of the business. The board can also cut back on reports by asking officers and committee chairpersons to present only the most pertinent details in a brief and concise report prior to the meeting.

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